Record basics
- Album name: Beaux J. Pooboo
- Artist name: Les McCann
- Year: 1965
- Number of discs: one
- Label: Limelight
- Collection: Friedman
- Buy it on Amazon: $39.00
My review
Level of familiarity before listening
I don’t think I’ve ever heard of Les McCann or this record.
What I expected
What it was actually like
Les McCann, it turned out, was a pianist, and this was a piano-heavy jazz record that I thought was ok, but not very exciting.
Some parts, like The Grabber and Bat Man, had more of a bebop sound, and on the former, parts were atonal, arrhythmic and antimelodic, but overall it was a good song.
I also liked the guitar on the title track Beaux J. Pooboo.
Green Green Rocky Road was much more of an upbeat R&B song with vocals and lots of percussion, and The Great City was also lively.
Les McNasty was in a much slower jazz style and I thought it was far less fun than the rest.
3/5: interesting, but not for me
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